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Are You Filling Up With The Wrong Fuel? Here's the one thing that satisfies.

Writer's picture: Sarah LangoSarah Lango

Updated: Sep 10, 2018

Are you running on empty? Looking for that one thing that can refresh your spirit? Here's the one thing that truly satisfies.

What kind of fuel are you filling up with?

My husband is a diesel truck driving kind of guy. But, because he has a distance to drive to work each day, most days my husband opts to drive our little car to work, and leaves the truck behind for me to drive.

Here’s the thing about a diesel truck, it takes diesel. NOT unleaded. NOT unleaded premium. O, no no no. That engine needs diesel fuel.

When we initially purchased a diesel truck, my husband reminded me on a regular basis to NOT put gas in that engine. You see I’m a creature of habit. He wanted to make sure I didn’t fill up his truck with the wrong type of fuel. And, he always reminded me of the importance of this re-fueling.

Filling up this truck with gas would lead to bad things. Like really, really bad things. Engine blowing up, truck drives no more, my husband may never forgive me type of things.

Why? Because it’s engine was not designed to be filled up with gasoline. This engine requires a different type of fuel. It is made to run on one type of fuel, diesel fuel. Filling up with diesel will lead to a much different result, an engine that runs smoothly, a truck that gets me where I need to go.

You and I are a lot like that truck; we too require a certain type of fuel to keep us running smoothly. And, as created human beings we have a need to be filled up.

The problem is we so often fill up with the wrong things.

I’m tired, so I fill up with coffee.

I’m stressed, so I fill up with junk food.

I’m feeling depressed, so I fill up with trashy television shows and a feel sorry for myself attitude.

I’m feeling discouraged, so I fill up on my own accomplishments.

I’m simply feeling empty, so I seek the world, to fill up with whatever goods it might offer me.

At the end of the day, I am still not running properly. These fuels are not working. I still feel stress, or depression, or emptiness. I still feel in need of filling up.

Why? Because, I too was designed to be fueled by one specific thing. I was designed to be filled up by my Creator, by His presence, and His love. When I am running on empty, I am designed to need HIM.

NOT, the things the world has to offer.

Because, they break me. Now, not only am I empty, but I am broken.

I need Him. I need my God to fill me back up. SO why do I continue to seek other things?

Lord, help me to seek You first. Because, I am empty, and I need to be filled. Teach me to read Your Word, to hear Your truth, to be filled with You above all else, because only you can satisfy.

Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

What are some good ways to fuel ourselves God's way? I'd love to hear your input! Drop me a line below.

Why am I unsatisfied? Feeling empty. Dissatisfaction.

And, if you want to read more, here's another great post about choosing joy.

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