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Jenn Soehnlin
Feb 10, 20214 min read
Two Biblical Perspectives to Help You Stop Comparing Your Special Needs Child(ren)
I have two sons who both have several diagnoses, and I found my time and mental space was consumed with their development, their behaviors

Sarah Lango
Feb 4, 20212 min read
Is She Breathing?
“Is she breathing?” My 7 year old son asked as nonchalantly as one would ask “what’s for dinner?” Or “how’s the weather?”

Sarah Lango
Jan 26, 20212 min read
Finding Purpose in Pain
Is God using your pain for a purpose? Sometimes it's hard to see the purpose in a painful journey, but if we choose surrender

Sarah Lango
Jan 20, 20212 min read
If You Had Faith Your Child Would be Healed
If you had faith God would heal your child. These are some of the hardest words to wrestle with as the parent of a special needs child.
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Sarah Lango
Nov 17, 20202 min read
Are you Settling for a Shallow Faith?
Too many of us are settling for a shallow faith. One that says if I do, then God will do. A faith that equates God's “blessing” with an...

Sarah Lango
Aug 31, 20203 min read
Father, Do You See Me?
God, do you see me?! The words echoed from my heart to my head, eventually making their way through my lips in a shaky, audible whisper....

Sarah Lango
Mar 6, 20202 min read
The Impact of Trauma
Trauma. I think my therapist said it best. “Trauma is like a bomb.” Indeed. A bomb that goes off right in the middle of life— leaving...

Sarah Lango
Jan 14, 20202 min read
Today I Laid Down My Child's Healing
Recently I laid down my child’s healing. I just let it go. *hold your judgment here* Something strange happened over the last few...
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Sarah Lango
Dec 2, 20192 min read
Maybe God Isn't Good
Maybe God isn’t good. Maybe He doesn’t really love me. He must not see me here. He must not care about my heartache and anguish and...

Sarah Lango
Sep 6, 20193 min read
Special Needs Community-- I See You
Some days I wish I had never stepped foot on this journey. Some days I wish my eyes had never gazed upon this hidden road in all it’s...

Sarah Lango
Aug 27, 20193 min read
Seeing God in the Mess of Transformation
I took a deep breathe as I glanced around my house. There was Sheetrock spackle everywhere. EVERYWHERE. I mean think a glitter explosion...

Sarah Lango
Aug 7, 20193 min read
No, It Won't Be Okay-- But Yes, It Will
“It will be okay“— I’ve caught some flack for sharing these words with other mommas on this medically complex journey. And I get it. So...
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Sarah Lango
Jul 23, 20192 min read
We Don't Talk About Her Future-- the lament of a medical fragile mom
We don’t talk about her future. Not much anyways. It’s kinda odd really, when I put it in writing. There is this unspoken thing we do....
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Sarah Lango
Jul 17, 20192 min read
Why Exercising Your Spiritual Muscle Matters
It’s a funny thing. Three months ago I purchase these brand new running shoes. I used to be an athlete—back in my younger years. Running,...

Sarah Lango
Jul 2, 20193 min read
Lord, Just Get Me Through The Storm
“Lord, just get me through this storm.” I found myself driving— alone, in the middle of a place I knew nothing about, with the wind and...

Sarah Lango
Jun 26, 20192 min read
Every Home Needs a Toddler
Why does everyone need a toddler? Everyone needs a toddler because a toddler doesn’t care. A toddler doesn’t care if you’re wearing the...

Sarah Lango
Jun 14, 20192 min read
Dear Parent of an Un-well child: It's Not Your Fault
To the parent of an un-well child-- It’s not your fault— This is what I deeply and desperately want you to know: If your child is sick,...

Sarah Lango
May 29, 20193 min read
When Someone with your child's diagnosis passes away
Something really interesting happens when you observe a child die from the same catastrophic diagnosis that your child has. Something...

Sarah Lango
May 20, 20192 min read
How to stop dehumanizing those with Special Needs & Disabilities
As parents of special needs kiddos we recognize that our kids are different. Maybe they process the world around them differently....

Sarah Lango
May 8, 20194 min read
Have you ever wanted to walk away from God?
I stood there helplessly watching as they loaded my baby who was currently seizing into the helicopter. It had been over an hour. She had...
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